Sunday, April 6, 2014

"YouTube as a Participatory Culture"

1.     How does the interaction online become the key for Youtube video production community? Please use the media convergence concept to explain it.
The YouTube video production process in terms of media convergence, has a collaborative aspect to it. YouTube is technically defined as a "video-sharing web site". Users share video with others on the online community. Users of the site can upload videos, become a partner of the company, and interact with other users. Since its birth a few years back, YouTube has transformed social media and how users view media and how they interact with it. 

2.    The article mentioned that the teens are mainly passively consumers of Youtube being on the periphery. But seven out of 10 most subscribed partners are teens and young adults. How do you explain this use of Youtube in youth?
This trend of youth being the majority of Youtube partners deals with the fact that this form of media has low barriers of artistic expression. There are no restrictions on who can post, what the content is, or how to use this form of media. It is an outlet of free speech combined with technology; something that our youth is thriving incomprobly with. 

 3.    How does Youtube use different techniques to create an online community that is different from other websites?
sSome techniques YouTube uses to create an online community are incredibly creative. One method is using collaboration. Many YouTube partners and members have started collaborating with one another; users have created joint accounts and videos collaborating with one another. 

4.    What is the next step for Youtube development? Please use the concept of participatory culture and media development theory we discussed to explain your answer.
I think the next step for YouTube transforms on a global scale. Although the form of media has already has some international impact, YouTube will soon possibly will have cideo chat and access other users from all over the world. This will improve the number of users and increase collaborative efforts. 

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