Thursday, April 17, 2014

Transmedia Storytelling 101

1. Why is transmedia storytelling important in digital convergence communication?
-Transmedia storytelling represents content being displayed across multiple sources of media to create a unified form of entertainment. Think of any popular movie franchise such as "The Hunger Games", is made up of a 4 movie series, action figures, social media accounts, dolls, merchandise, and music. 

2. Why can the media business be beneficial more from transmedia storytelling in distributing their productions?
-The media business benefits more from transmedia storytelling because it reflects "synergy". The media industry runs horizontally, wanting to find all ways possible to develop and expand into a wider range to attract different types of people all over. 

3. How can transmedia storytelling be beneficial for different bodies of audience in consuming productions?
- It can be beneficial for various audiences because it creates different segments to follow that can appeal to multiple types of people. For example, to appeal to the female demographic, the newest Spider Man series added a female love interest: Gwen Stacey. 

4. How can transmedia storytelling be worked out in terms of collective intelligence in the process of production?
-Transmedia storytelling can be worked in ways of collective intelligence by how "collective intelligence, to refer to new social structures that enable the production and circulation of knowledge within a networked society. Participants pool information and tap each others expertise as they work together to solve problems." 

5. How does transmedia storytelling encourage the interactivity with the audience?
 -It encourages interactivity by how the audiences then has incentive to add onto the media they had just consumed. 

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