Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Social Media

Social Media Use is Soaring—Tine to Reconsider Your 2013 Strategy

·      What did you learn about the growing trends in the use of social media?

The trends of social media have grown tremendously in the past decade. Social media as a trend has increased for two reasons: 1. More people are using mobile devices such as smart phones and tablets that have greater access to networks all over. 2. The proliferation of new social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Although social media is a growing trend, it continuously evolves. Now this media can be perceived as a “global living room” having multiple screenings and being considered a “customer care channel”.

·      What takeaways do you see from the data?

Looking at the data, social media is becoming a force to be reckoned with. I predict one day this type of media will be our main form of communication; eliminating everything else from looking at recent trends. Although the majority of social media use has been done on the internet from a computer, the use this media on mobile applications has rose dramatically to 34%. Today, most people are staying longer connected to the internet for longer periods of time thanks to social media. The most unique statistic supporting this claim would that Twitter has become a key player in driving social interactivity amongst viewers watching TV.

Technology & Internet:  10 Social Media Tips Every Business Needs to Know

How does business uses social media?

Businesses use social media in a variety of aspects. Creating various accounts on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or Pinterest will create a wider and larger following for a company as a way of connecting and reaching different types of people. It is important to build a client base online.

·      Where you surprised by what “social media is NOT?”

I was a little surprised what social media wasn’t considered. I think the term has become so generic in our society that the true meaning is misconstrued. For business the meaning to use social media has a different idea than the intentions of a personal page. It is not a static platform like a website because its more interactive and dynamic which takes time to create.

·      Describe some of the things that “social media IS.”

Social media is the fastest growing trend in communication that our generation has. It is a place for companies and business to be seen in searching for a target audience. Social media is a small but incredibly powerful tool in marketing. It is free and has the ability to really captivate an audience and create a following.

·      What are the takeaways for business from this article?

The takeaways from this article are that social media is an important aspect for business to understand. If a company does not adapt and take advantage of this type of communication, they will fall behind. An important aspect of this article is what social media is defined as and what it isn’t. It is important to know the difference in creating various accounts, what to post, and how to target an audience. 

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