Thursday, April 17, 2014

Economics Podcast

1.  How does podcasting fit into the organizational communication in business, non-profit, and academic contexts?
- Podcasting fits into the organizational communication by promoting a message or a product. Not only does podcasting advertise and communicate to the public, they also include discussion and analysis for viewers as well. Podcasting is good because it promotes interactivity and it is much less harsh than text giving the listener the option to listen, as opposed to forcing them to read due to the lower amount of attention required for audio. 

2.  Why does the speaker say that podcasting extends message?
Podcasting extends the message by having the ability to send in a variety of effective ways: audio, video, and the internet. Information in a podcast can be short, sweet, and to the point or can be extremely detailed. 

3. How does podcasting encourage participation culture according to the speaker?
podcast encourages the participatory culture because it pushes the users to take action and get involved. Based on the content of the podcast, listeners can add and include various other resources that can add to the show all together, encouraging media convergence of multiple sources from the user.

4. What are the three critical elements of development for a successfully media when the speaker talks about email, blogging, and online ad? Why does podcasting have the three elements?

 A. the most important is to give the users what they want and keep them engaged.
 B. The tools that the creators uses for the podcast that lets users access the podcast is crucial. You must give the user opportunities to find the content and links themselves.
 C. Creators of the podcast must make the content interactive for their users. Podcasting is pointless of no one is listening and interacting.

5. How does the concept of digital media convergence get applied in podcasting when the speaker discusses the compounding media?
Media convergence applies to podcasting by how it can be accessed from various mediums. Podcasts can be accessible from mobile phones, the internet, Youtube, tablets, and many other devices. They can listened to from virtually anywhere. Compounding media means how all of these different forms can transform into one form of media. 

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